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Home > FAQs > XOGO Mini 2b lost its WiFi connection.
XOGO Mini 2b lost its WiFi connection.
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One of our cloud providers recently made a change that affected a handful of XOGO Mini 2b media players (other devices are not affected). It prevents them from connecting properly to WiFi.  If your XOGO Mini 2b is no longer connected to WiFi, please take the following steps:


1) Walk up to the device and use your computer or smart phone to connect to the Mini's "XOGO Connect" WiFi hotspot.


2) Then use the drop-down menu on your screen to select the WiFi network that you want your Mini to connect to, enter its password, and click to connect.


3) Your XOGO Mini 2b will connect to WiFi and you should no longer see the XOGO Connect hotspot as an available network.


As a reminder, you can always click on your XOGO Mini 2b in XOGO Manager (in the Players section) in order to see its last-online date and the version of firmware that it's currently running.


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